Automic Markets has a market-leading advisory team with deep capital markets experience. Our knowledge of financial markets, media and other influencing stakeholders has allowed us to develop bespoke tactical investor and media relations strategies for over 200 companies in the past 16 years.
Improve visibility among suitable investors with customised investor relations strategies and advice. Our engagement includes ASX material preparation, investor presentations, and management roadshows.
Identify and trace beneficial owners on client registries utilising the disclosure obligations of applicable Corporations Laws. This analysis and insight information is prepared by tertiary certified Australian capital markets analysts.
Understand shareholder movements through a variety of services to provide data-backed analysis on corporate actions. These services include Shareholder Call Campaigns for SPP’s, AGM vote tracking, ANREO analysis and more.
Build a powerful corporate profile with an effective Media & Communications strategy. This includes media relations, social media strategy and crisis management.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Practitioners employed by Automic Finance Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.