Share registry with 750 ASX listed clients
ASX listed &
unlisted clients
of all IPOs
in 2024
of all listed
transitions in FY24
An overwhelming 89% of the Automic team agree that this is a great place to work, highlighting that we’re on the right path when it comes to our overarching objectives.
“What really drew me to Automic was it’s strong sense of shared values.
This is achieved through a diverse team of young, enthusiastic people, combined with extremely experienced staff that are committed to being part of our client’s journey and ultimately to deliver successful outcomes for them.
Our people are the key ingredient to our success, and this is what sets us apart.”
Australia’s fastest growing registry provider, end-to-end proprietary technology with expert support.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Practitioners employed by Automic Finance Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.