If you need to change your registered address on your security holding and you are Issuer Sponsored, you can update your details by doing the following:
Visit our InvestorOnLine facility.
If you are CHESS Sponsored (Broker Sponsored), please contact your broker.
All name changes to your Issuer Sponsored Holdings must be received in writing. Please forward your request with the following information to:
The Registrar
Automic Registry Services
GPO Box 5193
Sydney NSW 2000
You must provide the following information to us:
Please note: All supporting documents must be an original certified photocopy.
Some examples of people who are authorised by the state to certify your document copy are:
The certification must state the document is a true copy of the original, and show clearly the certifier’s original signature and title. If a minor change in the name is to be made (i.e. to correct spelling or add a middle name), please download and complete a Name Correction Request & Indemnity form and forward to:
The Registrar
Automic Registry Services
PO Box 2226
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
If your securities are maintained by a broker (broker sponsored), please return the name change letter and documentation to your broker for processing.
Please note: We cannot accept a fax or email of the letter and documentation as original signatures are required.
To check and update your current banking instructions, visit our InvestorOnLine facility. Log on and from your portfolio view you might see your already lodged banking details. If these details are not showing, you can select update details/preferences, select payment details and then update your current direct credit instructions and click confirm.
A DRP provides for automatic reinvestment of shareholder dividends in more shares of a company’s stock, often without commissions. Some plans provide for the purchase of additional shares at a discount to market price. Dividend reinvestment plans allow shareholders to accumulate stock over the long term using dollar cost averaging. Usually, the company administers the DRP without charges to the holder.
Visit our InvestorOnLine facility to check the status of your DRP participation online. Log on and from your portfolio view, select update details/preferences, select Dividend Reinvestment Plan and update your DRP instruction, then click Confirm.
If you wish to check if the company in which you hold a security offers a DRP and you wish to participate, please contact Automic Registry Services on +61 2 9698 5414 for documentation.
If you simply wish to alter your participation level or withdraw from a DRP, please send a fax or letter to Automic stating the alteration as well as the name of the company in which you hold a security, your name and your holder number (SRN/HIN).
Many companies managed by Automic offer a service where investors may receive Annual Reports, Notice of Meetings, Newsletters and other company information by email. If the company in which you have invested has this option, you can register by updating your email address through our InvestorOnLine facility.
Visit our InvestorOnLine facility and select Update your details/preferences where you can add your TFN online.
If you currently have different holdings within the same Company under the same registration name, you might want to amalgamate these into the one holding. To action this instruction, please download the Consolidation of Holdings form and forward to Automic. Please note that your registration details must be exactly the same on all holdings.
To change your address, visit our InvestorOnLine facility.
To make a name correction, please download and complete the Name Correction Request & Indemnity Form and forward it to Automic together with your Consolidation of Holdings form.
If you are signing under Power of Attorney or wish to lodge your Power of Attorney then a certified copy of the original needs to be sent to us along with a letter stating the name and holder numbers for each company to which it applies. You must also state that you wish to have the PoA noted for each holding.
If you want to buy and sell shares, you will need to do this through a broker. To find a broker visit the ASX website www.asx.com.au
Upon the death of a CHESS Sponsored holder, the Broker must be notified. The Broker then undertakes all proceedings and actions. Visit the ASX website to find a broker www.asx.com.au
Note: If the deceased has not left a Will then you will also need to produce an Intestate Statutory Declaration & Indemnity form.
• Section 1071B Statement where shares are held on a different register from where Probate has been granted (Photocopies/faxes are not accepted).
• If the name of the deceased on the issuer sponsored statement (SRN) differs from the name of the deceased on the Probate document or Letters of Administration, an original Statutory Declaration signed by the Executor/s is required stating that “name on shareholding is one and the same person as name shown on Probate document or Letters of Administration”.
• Issuer statements or confirmation of valid SRNs.
When lodging a Standard Transfer Form, please take note of the identity requirements noted on the reverse of our form.
To transfer shares to the Surviving holder and/or any beneficiary(ies)/executor(s)/buyer(s)
When lodging a Standard Transfer Form, please take note of the identity requirements noted on the reverse of the form.
Holdings cannot be transferred to a CHESS holding (i.e. a HIN) during this process.
In Australia, the following people are authorised to certify documents:
For any further queries in relation to a deceased estate, please contact an Automic Registry Services representative on +61 (0)2 9698 5414.
Upon the death of a CHESS Sponsored holder, the Broker must be notified. The Broker must then undertake all proceedings and actions. Visit the ASX website to find a broker www.asx.com.au
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Practitioners employed by Automic Finance Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.